Sunday, February 5, 2023

February 2023 Meeting: Curt Meine on "Aldo Leopold's Connections to the Driftless Area"

Curt Meine with UGC program chair Nancy Frost

Curt Meine was the speaker at the Garden Club's February meeting.

Curt is a conservation biologist, environmental historian, and writer who lives near Spring Green. Curt is a Senior Fellow withthe Aldo Leopold Foundation in Baraboo. 

In his talk, Curt explored renowned conservationist Aldo Leopold’s connections to the Driftless Area, and the lessons his experience holds for conservation in our time. He emphasized that we have it within ourselves to be mindful stewards of the land and that we do not own it in the sense that others will become stewards in turn. Curt outlined 10 lessons learned from Leopold's life. Perhaps we can think of examples of lessons learned and see how they can be applied to what and how we choose to engage in the garden club.

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