Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February 2015 Meeting: The Passenger Pigeon's Extinction

The February meeting got 2015 off to a great start. Guest speaker, Stanley Temple, was entertaining and educational and left us with much to think about.

Dr. Temple gave a presentation on the extinction of the Passenger Pigeon one hundred years ago. From the most numerous bird in North America (3-5 billion) to GONE in 50 years! This extinction was a catalyst for the Conservation Movement.

For 32 years Stan Temple occupied the faculty position once held by Aldo Leopold. He and his students have worked on endangered species problems in 21 different countries, and have helped save some of the world's rarest and most endangered species, especially birds. He has long been interested in Passenger Pigeon, having analyzed historical records for the species that were first assembled by A. W. Schorger for his 1955 book on the life history and ecology of the species.

2014 marked the 100th anniversary of the passenger pigeon's extinction, and commemorative events took place throughout the year. Stan gave 102 presentations on the pigeon in 20 states and one province last year! His presentation explores the ecology and life history of the passenger pigeon and other extinct and endangered birds, current extinction crises, endangered species recovery, human relationship with wildlife, and sustainable use of biological resources.