Tuesday, October 29, 2019

October 2019 Meeting: How Plants Communicate with Simon Gilroy

The speaker at our October meeting was Simon Gilroy, a professor in the Department of Botany at the UW-Madison since 2007. Professor Gilroy is currently preparing for a NASA space flight botany experiment that takes place in December, 2019. 

He grew up in the United Kingdom, where “everyone is a gardener” and his research focuses on how plants sense the world around them and then how they use that information to survive and thrive. What happens when an insect chews on a leaf or we pick a flower? How much does the plant “know” about what is going on? Plants don’t have a brain but can they count? Dr. Gilroy’s research group uses time lapse imaging to follow how the whole plant responds to these kinds of events married with imaging techniques that allow us to see the action of the very molecules that make the plant work. 

He currently pursues these projects in settings that range from his laboratory at UW-Madison to experiments for NASA on the International Space Station. The title of his October 2 talk was “When I talk to my plants are they listening? How plants sense the world around them”.

The meeting was open to the public and held at the Stonefleid Apartments in Dodgeville on October 2. Professor Gilroy’s talk was sponsored by the Iowa County Master Gardeners Association.

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