We again had great weather for our September meeting – a visit to club member Connie Tibbits’ gardens. We toured her landscape to see both her flower gardens and vegetable gardens (Connie even welcomed members to help themselves to her abundance of cukes!).
Dahlias of all shapes and color were in full bloom in Connie’s gardens. Although dahlias can be grown from seed, buying tubers is quicker. The plants need to be dug and stored over winter. They can be divided in fall or spring. Each division needs to have a "neck, body and eye."
After the tour Connie explained how she uses plants for bouquets. Foliage is the basis of an arrangement, including ferns, hosta, rose canes and even what we consider weeds from fence lines. She cut flowers with a long stems and strips all leaves off their stems so the bouquet will last longer. She also advised using only 3 colors in an arrangement to increase the impact of the flowers.
We always enjoy touring a member's gardens - thanks, Connie, for a very enjoyable meeting and evening.