Amphibians in the Garden -
The presenter at our October meeting was Dr Rebecca Christoffel who discussed the amphibians (frogs, toads and
salamanders) that you are likely to have living in your garden here in Wisconsin, how these
animals are beneficial to your garden, and actions that you can take to
encourage them and keep them safe in your garden.
Dr. Rebecca Christoffel is the
sole proprietor of Christoffel Conservation, a company dedicated to the
conservation and management of unhuggables (i.e. reptiles, amphibians and
bats). Prior to establishing her business, she was a faculty member and
Extension Wildlife Biologist at Iowa State University. She earned her doctorate in Fisheries and
Wildlife from Michigan State where her research focused on the human dimensions
of rare snake conservation in the upper Midwest. In 2012 she founded the Snake Conservation Society.
Thank you to Rebecca for a most informative introduction to our amphibian friends!